Prometheus Vengeance (The New Prometheus Book 4) Read online

Page 14

  ‘My pleasure,’ he answered her and stepped in a little closer to her. She moved in a touch closer to him, too. He hesitated a little, but reached around to put his hand on the small of her back and pulled her in a little closer. She smiled. She wondered if he would do it. If he would go for the kiss. She wanted him to, she wanted to kiss him back, but she didn’t want to take the lead. She wanted to see if he would go for it.

  He was right next to her, his face just about touching hers. She could feel his breath on her, his body heat as their noses slid in next to each other and he finally pressed his lips against hers. She reached up and put her hand to the back of his head and kissed him back. It was gentle; soft and tender. She enjoyed his touch and taste. She wasn’t sure how long it lasted, but it felt like a good few moments.

  He pulled gently away, just enough to separate their lips. ‘Would you like to come in,’ he asked.

  ‘Sure,’ she answered, without really thinking about it. The answer just sprang from her lips.

  He kissed her again, just a quick one, and led her inside.

  ‘Would you like to have a drink…’ he started.

  ‘Let’s just sit,’ she said. She liked the kiss, she thought. She’d like to try that again, but she wasn’t sure about anything else. She still felt very unsure about herself and this body, but she wanted to see where this might go.

  He sat down next to her. ‘Are you sure you don’t want a drink?’ he asked.

  ‘Not really,’ she said. ‘So, you do network maintenance? Do you do anything for the Corporations?’

  ‘I have done. I’ve probably worked for most of them by now, doing bits here and there. Their systems and networks are vast, sprawling things. They’re a nightmare for them to maintain and protect. They’re always getting hacked and having to plug holes in their security,’ he said.

  ‘Is that right? And you do that, do you?’

  ‘Sometimes, yeah. It’s one of the things that Raven Systems does. They’re the company that I work for. It’s a good job, I do enjoy it,’ he said.

  ‘Good,’ she smiled.

  ‘I hope you don’t mind me saying, but I just want to kiss you again,’ he said.

  Frankie raised her eyebrows and smiled. ‘Oh, really?’ she said.

  ‘Is that so bad?’

  ‘No. It’s not. I’d like to kiss you, too,’ she said. Why lie? she thought.

  Oliver shuffled closer. Frankie did the same, and they met in the middle, leaning in and ever so gently kissed again. They moved in closer together, and after a moment, he fell backwards, pulling her on top of him. She was aware that she was likely heavier than most girls, and adjusted her position to make sure she didn’t put too much of her weight onto him. It felt wonderful to be held so closely and to feel the warmth and affection that Oliver clearly had for her. After a few more moments, she noticed his hand sliding down her back and up over her bum. He moved his hand back and forth, caressing her rear, feeling its shape and squeezing it. She liked it, but she was getting a touch nervous. Where would this lead, she wondered? Was he going to go further?

  Moments later, she felt him reach down and pull up her dress, up over her bum. She let him, it was nice, but she wasn’t totally sure she was ready for this level of intimacy yet. She was just feeling a little unsure. As they kissed, his fingers wandered between her legs and brushed against her underwear, and suddenly it was too much. She pulled away and pulled her dress back down, sitting back on her feet.

  She took a breath, suddenly feeling incredibly stupid. She’d had sex before, after all. She wasn’t a virgin. She’d had a few boyfriends in school and college, so it wasn’t like it was something she hadn’t done before, but it felt different this time. Her body was different and new. She just felt incredibly nervous about it.

  ‘Oh, hey, I’m sorry,’ he said.

  ‘No, no don’t be. You did nothing wrong. It’s just… I’m sorry, it’s silly,’ she said.

  ‘Hey, no, it’s not. Nothing about this is silly. You’re just not ready for this yet, it's fine,’ he said.

  ‘No, it is silly. I do… …you know, want to, but this body, it’s all new to me, and I’m just not, you know. Not sure. Not quite there yet,’ she said.

  ‘That’s okay. I get it.’

  ‘I mean, we will. I do want to, but can we move slowly, please? I’m just not quite there yet,’ she said.

  ‘I totally understand,’ he said. ‘You can lead the way on this.’

  ‘Thank you,’ she said as an icon flashed up in her vision. It was a link request from her mum. She opened the link. ‘What’s up, Mum?’ she asked silently over the link.

  ‘Frankie, um, your dad called, he wants to meet...’ she said.


  ‘Now,’ her mum said.

  ‘Now, as in now?’

  ‘That’s what he said. Do you know somewhere we can do this?’

  Frankie thought for a moment and then glanced to her left at the wall that separated Oliver’s apartment from her old place.

  ‘I have an idea,’ she sent back through the link.


  ‘I’m sorry,’ she said to Oliver. That was my… My work, something’s just come up that needs my attention,’ she said.

  ‘Oh, really?’ he said. Frankie could sense the disbelief and the suspicion in his voice right away.

  ‘Honestly. Look, I’m not lying to you. I had a great night tonight. I loved every second of it, and I really want to do it again soon, but if you want a relationship with me, you are going to have to realise that my work is like this. I’m on call twenty-four, seven, and I can guarantee I will be called away from dates and events at the worst possible time. It’s just the way that it’s going to be. If you can accept that, then maybe we can make a go of this, and…’ she said, stepping into him where he stood before her, threading her arm behind his back. ‘I promise you, I would love to make love to you soon, but it will take a little time,’ she said.

  ‘Well, when you put it like that, how can I resist?’ He smiled back at her.

  ‘So, we’re on for date number two?’

  ‘You bet,’ he said. ‘When’s good for you?’

  ‘Let me get back to you. I want to see how this latest… …thing at work turns out,’ she said.

  ‘Sure. I can’t wait,’ he said.

  Frankie leant in and kissed him, holding his head and giving him a deep passionate kiss, her tongue flicking over his before she pulled away.

  ‘Wow,’ he said.

  Frankie smiled. ‘I’ll see myself out,’ she said and hopped over to the front door. She waved at him as she backed out of his place, mouthing the word bye at him before closing the door as he waved back.

  Frankie stood there for a moment, thinking about the night she had just had. She liked him. She really liked him. He was far enough removed from her life as a government agent that she could see herself with him. She could see the potential for a relationship there. She felt terrible for her nervousness about intimacy with him. She actually did want to make love to him, but there was still a nervousness there when it came to her body. She wasn’t really sure what it was, but she couldn’t deny it. She just knew that she needed to take this slowly and to ease herself into the relationship a little more.

  She stepped away from his place and wandered over to her old apartment’s door. She still had the access code and sent it to the locking mechanism. She heard it unlock and stepped inside, closing the door behind her.

  Was this a good idea?

  She didn’t know, not really. It was a little close to Oliver’s place; that was the only issue, really. But it shouldn’t affect him. They needed somewhere away from the A.C.T. building, somewhere that was private enough that they could meet and talk candidly, but not somewhere so private that there was no potential to call for help if they needed it.

  Her old place fitted the bill in her mind, but she didn’t want to do this alone. She knew she wouldn’t have to, though, and waited for the inevitabl
e link from the A.C.T.. She guessed it would be William who would call her, but she couldn’t be sure until it actually came through. A few moments later, a link request popped up in her vision from William.

  ‘Bingo,’ she said and opened the link. ‘I’ve been expecting your call,’ Frankie said.

  ‘Your mother said you were. So, she says wants to come and see you out in the city. She’s not said why, but I’ve just had a report appear moments before she walked in about a call from your father to her tonight. I’ve not read the transcript yet, so, what’s going on?’

  ‘Was he trying to trace the call?’ Frankie asked.

  ‘Difficult to tell, I doubt it though, we bounce all incoming and outgoing links around the world, so we won’t have been compromised even if he was. Anyway, I know she then called you.’

  Depending on who you were or why you were at the A.C.T. base, Frankie knew that your links while in the building were either blocked entirely, or monitored. Her mothers were clearly not blocked. ‘That’s right. You got the brief I sent you about what I found out happened with her?’ Frankie asked.

  ‘I did, yes,’ William said.

  ‘Okay, good. Well yes, you’re right, my dad has called her tonight. He does want to meet up with her, as you said. So, she called me, and I said she would need to come to see you to get out of the building.’

  ‘Your father is still with Nano Technic, though, right?’

  ‘As far as we know, but that was weeks ago, so, who knows. I’m in my old place right now, we’ll meet him here,’ she said.

  ‘You’re old place? The apartment?’ he asked.

  ‘Sure. It’s private enough to have a conversation, but there are people close by to deter things from getting out of hand.’

  ‘Maybe. I think it’s risky if he turns violent, though,’ William said.

  ‘It’s no worse than anywhere else in this city,’ she said.

  ‘Fair enough,’ William agreed. ‘What do you need from me?’

  ‘Can you send my mum out, get her to me, but I also need back up. Just in case, you know?’

  ‘I’ll get Gibson to assemble a team and send them all over to you. Do you mind your mum knowing about the backup?’

  ‘It’ll only boost her confidence, so, I don’t see an issue with it,’ Frankie said.

  ‘Okay, great. I’ll send them over in a flyer,’ he said and closed the link.

  Frankie smiled and looked around her old place. This would certainly be an interesting meeting, she thought.


  The buzzer in the apartment went off, making Frankie jump. She’d been lost in thought, thinking through how this meeting might go and what she would say to her father. He could turn up and be working for the Corporations and want her mum back, or worse, maybe he’s been sent to kill her. Or maybe he’s had a change of heart and decided that Frankie and her mum are actually right? Or he could still be on the fence and need a little convincing? Her mind had been going in circles, running through how each of these versions of the meeting might play out and what she wanted to say to him.

  In the end, it just made her feel exhausted, and all she wanted was for the meeting to actually happen.

  When the buzzer finally sounded, even though it did scare her for a moment, it brought a huge sense of relief with it. She hoped this was her mum rather than her dad, though. She’d rather confront him standing beside her mum than alone.

  Frankie pressed a button on the control pad next to the door, and a view of the corridor outside appeared on the little screen. She could see her mum standing out there, waiting patiently.

  Frankie opened the door and ushered her mum inside. ‘Hi, Mum. You found me okay, then?’

  ‘Of course,’ she said. ‘What is this place? I didn’t know you had an apartment?’

  ‘I don’t, or well, not anymore. This did used to be where I lived, though; back before the A.C.T..’

  ‘Oh, really? It’s a little small.’

  ‘Mum!’ Frankie protested.

  ‘What? It is. Sorry dear, but you had a perfectly good life with us that didn’t involve living in a hovel like this.’

  ‘Oh, yes, that’s right. It meant living at the Corporation, who routinely murder people who don’t agree with them,’ Frankie said pedantically.

  Her mum paused and took a breath. ‘Okay, sure, point made,’ she said. ‘Look, I’m sorry. I’m just nervous about seeing your dad. It’s been weeks, and I know he was angry with me when I left, so… I just don’t know what he’s going to be like, you know?’

  ‘I understand, but I’m here. We’ll get through this,’ Frankie said, reassuring her mum with a hand on her shoulder.

  ‘Gibson, I take it you’re on the roof?’ Frankie sent through her neural link.

  ‘Of course. I’m here with Cole and Veronica. We’ll wait here unless you say otherwise. The flyer is nearby and we’re hidden, so hopefully, we won’t be noticed if someone looks for a trap,’ he said.

  ‘I’ll call you in if I need you,’ Frankie said.

  ‘Understood,’ Gibson said.

  ‘So, um, what was the occasion?’ her mum asked, looking down at her fitted, short black dress.

  ‘Oh,’ Frankie said, thrown for a second by the change of subject. ‘Yeah, I was on a date tonight,’ she answered, pulling the hem of the dress down as much as she could, feeling very aware of her bare legs all of a sudden.

  ‘Really? That’s great… Oh, but did I interrupt it? I’m sorry,’ she said.

  ‘No, no, it’s fine. I was about to head home anyway, so don’t worry about it.’

  ‘Was he nice? Did you have fun?’

  ‘He was lovely, yes. It was really nice, I had fun. It made for a nice change. It’s been a while since I went on a date.’

  ‘You’re such a beautiful girl, though, Frankie. You should be able to find a man easily enough.’

  Frankie smiled and rolled her eyes, feeling embarrassed. ‘Jeez, Mum,’ she said.

  ‘What? You are,’ her mum said, doubling down.

  The buzzer at the door sounded suddenly, and both of them fell silent and looked at it.

  ‘Is that him?’ her mum whispered.

  ‘Only one way to find out,’ Frankie answered her in similar hushed tones. ‘Wait here,’ she said and walked over to the intercom and pressed the video button.

  The face of her father appeared on the small screen. ‘It’s him,’ she said, turning back to her mum, who proceeded to take a deep breath before looking back up at Frankie.

  ‘Okay, let him in,’ she said.

  Frankie nodded and opened the door, but she moved with it and stayed behind it so that her dad couldn’t see her. All he’d see is the door opening and her mum standing in the middle of the room.

  Automatic doors were very common, so she wondered if he’d realise that someone had opened the door.

  There was silence for a few seconds as she watched her mother from where she stood. She could see her mum looking at where her dad stood and the emotion that rose up within her. As she watched, she saw her mum push that emotion back down and get it back under control as she concentrated on her breathing.

  ‘Mark,’ her mum said in greeting, keeping her voice measured.

  She heard her dad sigh on the other side of the door. ‘What’s going on, Fiona?’ he said. ‘What is this place?’

  ‘Just an apartment,’ she answered him.

  ‘Are you living here?’

  ‘No,’ she said and offered no further information. ‘Are you just going to stand in the doorway or are you coming inside?’

  Frankie heard nothing for a moment, and then several cautious footsteps as he walked in. She saw him as he passed beyond the door, but he still had not seen her. Frankie closed the door behind him.

  Her dad turned and saw her for the first time. ‘Oh. Francesca,’ he said.

  ‘Dad,’ she answered him, watching him closely.

  ‘I see what’s going on here,’ he said. ‘Is this some kind of ambush?’r />
  ‘What?’ Frankie said.

  ‘Mark, no. You called me, you wanted to talk to me, I just wanted Frankie here with me,’ she said.

  ‘You’re calling her Frankie now, are you?’

  ‘It’s what she prefers. What’s so bad about that?’

  ‘Her name’s Francesca.’

  ‘Yeah? So? What of it? Look, did you just come here to argue with me because if you did…’

  ‘No. No, I didn’t. I want you to come back. The Corporation has changed a lot since you left. It’s not like it was before. I want you back, the lab wants you back…’

  ‘But what about me and what I want?’

  ‘What do you want, Fiona?’

  ‘I’m not sure I want to work there anymore.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘Why not? After everything that’s happened, you ask me why not?’

  ‘You should never have left in the first place,’ he said.

  ‘They were killing people, Mark.’

  ‘They did what they had to do to protect their interests. Anyone who was hurt by them probably deserved it.’

  ‘How can you say that? Did Jackie deserve to be killed?’

  ‘If she was involved in corporate espionage…’

  ‘Oh, come on. Jackie? You’re saying she worked as a spy?’ her mum shot back.

  ‘How should I know? I just trust the company. They wouldn’t kill someone for no reason.’

  ‘Are you sure about that?’ Frankie asked.

  ‘Don’t you start with your conspiracy bullshit. You’re the one who caused this mess. If you hadn’t been brainwashed by those idiot friends of yours at university, none of this would have happened; and now look at what you’ve done. You’ve tainted your mum. You’ve infected her with your crazy views. You made her leave me. You’re killing our marriage, Frankie,’ he spat. ‘Is that what you want? Is that your goal? To ruin your parent's lives? Because that’s what you’re doing.’

  ‘Don’t be dramatic, Dad,’ Frankie said. ‘I’ve done no such thing. You brought that on yourself. You’re the one who's been brainwashed by the Corporation. If you just woke up and saw the world as it truly is…’